Bees & Wasps

Depending on where you live, you probably have come into contact with insects that can sting. The farther south you go, of course, the more varieties there are of stinging insects. Stinging insects include wasps, hornets, bumble bees, and yellow jackets.
While the sting itself from these insects is not usually terribly painful, a serious problem can arise if you have an allergic reaction to the sting. For that reason, stinging insects can prove to be a dangerous pest.
Many stinging insects will rarely bother people, unless you bother them or their nest, first. Other species, it seems, love to bother people without being provoked. Hornets, and sometimes wasps, are actually known to have a temper. This particular class of insects, called Hymenoptera, has venom in their sting which, unless treated very quickly, can result in death in some people, in less than an hour. Also, some stinging insects can sting multiple times, making their sting much more dangerous. Wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets do not leave their stinger behind in your skin, but the bumblebee does.
Yellowjackets are thin with black and yellow markings. They make their nests in the ground or inside logs that are near to the ground. They will sometimes build their nests inside of the walls of houses, too, and these can become quite large. Yellow jacket nests are made of a paper maché-like material, and because they are often at ground level, it is rather easy to disturb their nest, even accidentally.
Wasps have slender bodies and look similar to yellow jackets. They can have black, brown or red bodies that have yellow markings. Their nests are also paper maché-like, circular, and usually hang down from eaves, or piles of wood.
Call us to recieve a professional extermination solution regarding these stinging insects. Don't let stinging insects hurt your family, or invade your home.
Contact Tomlinson Exterminating Service to schedule an inspection!
While the sting itself from these insects is not usually terribly painful, a serious problem can arise if you have an allergic reaction to the sting. For that reason, stinging insects can prove to be a dangerous pest.
Many stinging insects will rarely bother people, unless you bother them or their nest, first. Other species, it seems, love to bother people without being provoked. Hornets, and sometimes wasps, are actually known to have a temper. This particular class of insects, called Hymenoptera, has venom in their sting which, unless treated very quickly, can result in death in some people, in less than an hour. Also, some stinging insects can sting multiple times, making their sting much more dangerous. Wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets do not leave their stinger behind in your skin, but the bumblebee does.
Yellowjackets are thin with black and yellow markings. They make their nests in the ground or inside logs that are near to the ground. They will sometimes build their nests inside of the walls of houses, too, and these can become quite large. Yellow jacket nests are made of a paper maché-like material, and because they are often at ground level, it is rather easy to disturb their nest, even accidentally.
Wasps have slender bodies and look similar to yellow jackets. They can have black, brown or red bodies that have yellow markings. Their nests are also paper maché-like, circular, and usually hang down from eaves, or piles of wood.
Call us to recieve a professional extermination solution regarding these stinging insects. Don't let stinging insects hurt your family, or invade your home.
Contact Tomlinson Exterminating Service to schedule an inspection!